Product Introduction
Product Overview
Variable temperature (Kerr Ci Guang) effects test
Magneto optical effect of the system is composed of an electromagnet, the electromagnet power, the comprehensive Kerr effect tester and optical accessories

Magneto optical effect of the system is composed of an electromagnet, the electromagnetpower, the comprehensive Kerr effect tester and optical accessories (laser, polarizer,diaphragm, focusing lens, four wave plate, a photoelectric sensor, a current amplifier, opticalplatform) is an ultra high sensitivity magnetometer magnetic optic effect theory based design,can measure soft magnetic, silicon steel sheet, stainless steel, permalloy films, siliconaluminium plating film, is the study of nanometer magnetic technology, magnetoresistanceGMR, measuring tools the most ideal magnetic film, magnetic micro structure as well as the sample magnetization and anisotropy of the sample.

The measuring principle of magneto optical Kerr system

When a beam of linearly polarized light hit the sample, if the sample is magnetized, then thepolarization surface reflection of light than the polarization of the incident light face a slightrotation, the small rotation angle is the Cole angle, this phenomenon is called the Cole effect,Cole angle and the sample was directly proportional to the degree of magnetization,calculated intensity and Cole angle can be obtained by measurements, this establishes therelationship between the intensity and the sample magnetization degree.


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