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The main technical parameters:
Basic accuracy: ±0.05% of reading
Basic resolution: 0.0001 mT
The main technical parameters:
*Range: 0 -- 300000Gs/30T
*Resolution: 0.0001Gs/0.00001mT
*Accuracy: reading 0.05%
*Frequency response: 100KHz
* Range: 2mWb/20mWb/200mWb/2000mWb four file * Accuracy: 0.2% * Resolution: 0.1 uWb * The total magnetic moment of test repeatability can reach 0.05%
* Range: 2mWb/20mWb/200mWb/2000mWb four file
* Accuracy: 0.2%
* Resolution: 0.1 uWb
* Repetition: 0.05%
*7 inch color display can be also observed magnetic flux
Parameter: * range: 100000nT or 200000 nT * resolution: 1 nT * bandwidth: DC ~ 100Hz (0.3dB) * accuracy: less than 0.1% (up to 0.01%)
Parameter: * range: 100000nT or 200000 nT * resolution: 1 nT * bandwidth: DC ~ 100Hz (0.3dB) * accuracy: less than 0.1% FS (up to 0.01%)
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