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HONOR TOP 2015 annual work planning meeting was held successfully
Adddate:2015-03-16Soruce: Clicknums:1329

 In 2014, HONOR TOP  over the completion of the annual sales target. March 16th, the company 2015 planning and planning work conference held successfully. Meeting thoroughly implement the spirit of the company's work conference, summed up the main achievements in recent years, learning exchanges and strengthen the management of the Department's experience and practice, and arrange the deployment of the recent key tasks.

The meeting stressed that to comprehensively deepen the "excellence, innovation" corporate philosophy, efforts to improve quality and efficiency, technology R & D center, on high, fine, sharp on the basis of quality, continue to explore at a higher level and wider field of products and real magnetic survey to provide "one-stop, high-quality services.

In 2015, HONOR TOP staff with new and old customers to create brilliant, the future of the enterprise!

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